Official Event バトルミッション・オブ・HMMゾイドイベント「第二次エアスタンド・リバー会戦」
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title HMM König Wolf
affiliation 共和国
name Keshion Lin

A large wolf-type developed using data from the Western Continent. By scrapping the previously recycled Command Wolf data it became possible to bring the König Wolf platform back up to modern standards. The unit was outfitted with additional thrusters and a miniature rifle, intended for use against small enemy scouts.

The original upgrade ports remained in tact, with the future Heavy Arms and MK-II systems in mind. With new programming, the core conduits functioned properly and the wolf was able to be upgraded to a more robust frame, better suited for grappling opponents in close range combat. This made take downs with its natural equipment less risky for the pilot. Of course, this is all theoretical. True combat performance has yet to be tested.

This custom uses Tomy’s RZ-053 König Wolf parts, which were transplanted onto the HMM Liger Zero body & frame with some scrap building.



